Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dos Equis

I recently saw a Dos Equis beer commercial while watching a Red Sox preseason game.  The commercial was a typical Dos Equis commercial if you have ever seen them.  They talk about how awesome the man sponsoring the beer is and also advertise the beer.  The man and the beer go hand in hand in order to make the commercial interesting.  The company is trying to say how awesome the man is and since the man who is drinking the beer is awesome then the beer has to be awesome as well.  A lot of these beer advertisements come on during games that they know guys who drink beer will be watching.  Advertising beer during games that men will be watching has helped beer companys throughout the years.  Target marketing is key to these companies since there are so many different varities of beer in the stores.  The company making it seem like only "cool" people drink the beer makes it seem like if people want to be "cool" they drink Dos Equis.  The commercials are always funny and this probably helps out Dos Equis with their selling of their product.